Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Words: More or Less

   Hi, everybody.

   So, do you ever have those moments when you're talking to someone, like a friend or acquaintance, and you want to have this huge conversation, but all you can say is 5% of what's in your head? Maybe it's cause I'm a writer, but I often feel like I have too many words in my head.
   Funny thing is, there are days where I don't want to say anything at all. I say that I want a "quiet day". Well, I've only had one, which lasted for half of the day. And that was yesterday. Though I've wanted to have several, because I knew I'd feel better. Which did end up happening. Still, I don't want to have them that often.

   Maybe the thing is that I don't want to relive those days. The days when I had no choice but to stay silent because no one stayed around long enough to listen. Now that I do, with people who actually care about me to talk with, I can't seem to stay quiet.
   I've told more secrets to my current friends than I ever had before. With anyone. It's hard, because sometimes I feel like it's a mistake. That's probably why I'd get so mad at Carmen nowadays. I trusted her with my bad memories. She pushed them off as nothing, even saying that I'd never opened up before. Huh, think I've gone on that rant before here.

   Anyway, that's one of the things that I've been bothered about when I talk. I've been told a few times that I repeat myself. One person finds it quite annoying and says that a lot. It bothers me, because I now notice every time I do.
   Still, I also notice that when I repeat myself, I add on the words that I didn't get to say before. Course, some of those other words aren't there, but at least more of the message comes out.

   So, if I often repeat a topic of a blog entry previously seen, just read it over, cause it's probably as different as it's the same. Now, another song to share. Disclaimer: I don't own the copy-write, duh! This is Words by Hawk Nelson, which summaries a good deal of what I also believe about words. Enjoy!


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