Sunday, May 15, 2016

Life isn't Fair

   Welcome, everyone, and Welcome Back!

   Now, the title of today's entry probably doesn't make sense in the least, especially with this blog. Typically when one hears that line, it's in a very derogatory and usually in an upsetting situation. And no one seems to explain why life is that way. It's like someone asking: "If God is so good and merciful, why does he let bad things happen?"
   Well, through my experiences, even in a short amount of time, I think I know a good meaning for it. Maybe I won't be following the faith by some of my explanations, but this is how I understand my personal faith.

   Life isn't fair. It hurts and is painful. We cry, we scream. People we love come and go. Friends leave and can sometimes hurt us in the process. Others will talk behind your back, keep secrets from you that maybe you should know. There is death and suffering. There are storms and chances not taken. People like you and me are left broken in a cruel world that could often care less.
   Who would care? Why would we? What keeps us holding on?

   I know. Bad things happen to highlight the good things. Opposites exist so we can tell a difference between things. Good vs Evil. Happy vs. Sad. That's what we know. That's what we remember.

   That is why we love:
   Rainbows and the rain that brought them.
   Sunsets after a long hard day.
   Sunrises after the dark night.
   The moon and stars.
   A summer's day.
   The sparkling snow or the snowfall.
   The friends/memories that make us laugh after we cry.
   The hugs on a bad day.
   We know and we remember.

   We can be broken. We can hit rock bottom, thinking there's no return. But when you hit rock bottom, when you break so much, that's when you find a solid point to rebuild.
   One of my favorite quotes (found on Pinterest) is: "Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass." -Anon Chekhov
   I love it because that's what I want to do. Yes, I want to smile, I want to bring light to the world. But how do you show the light to a person consumed by darkness? How do you mend a person broken?
   You share your experiences. You show hope through your own broken pieces. You remember and shine through, making something even more beautiful. You bring back hope.


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