Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Music as a Guide

   Hey! Check out the sidebar and welcome to my blog!

   Today, though there was a lot going on, was kind of uneventful. Well, I did get to hold a bunny who was the equivalent of a cloud (so cute!), so maybe not completely uneventful. Still, not much for me to think of the perfect blog entry.
   One thing I did start doing was begin writing more of a story I'd taken a break from a few months ago. I have to re-read it, but it brought back some new and old memories. I won't tell you the story (for when I eventually get published at some point), but I'll share a memory.

   I've always wanted the courage to sing. Just sing whenever I want without being self-conscious. Unfortunately, I don't have that courage like my friends do. They can sing fantastically and some can write their own songs along with that. I've gotten close to writing a decent song, but it falls apart close to the middle.
   People say that the music a person listens to or likes says a lot about the person. I most certainly agree. It's just something that's so true, it's close to common sense. Least, in my opinion it is.
   Still, it would be nice to sing whenever. I usually wait until I'm home alone, then turn up my iPod and sing to my heart's content. I'm decent at singing, I think, but I just don't like to in front of my family or those I don't know really well.
   Songs mean a lot to me, as I've said, so I would like to just sing out when I feel like it. Some I definitely do that for. I go to a Christian camp where we sing those songs a good deal of the time, which is fantastic. I don't even care who's looking at me or listening. I just sing and dance (another thing I don't do), having the time of my life.
   Here's one of the songs we sing that's my favorite. Just got it, so while I don't own the copy-write, I have it on my iPod. Love his songs! What are some of your favorite songs?


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