Monday, May 2, 2016


   New readers, please read Introducing Me when possible. Returning readers, as always, it is an absolute pleasure to see you again. I've discovered that 8:00 pm signals a new day on Blogger, so technically it won't be that bad that I may not get to post this tomorrow evening (hey, new book, don't judge).

   As most of you may be wondering, what the heck are those weird acronyms in the title? Well, I'll tell you. One stands for "Random Acts of Kindness" and the other for "Random Words of Kindness". And because of some things I've read and heard recently, I decided to address it here.
   You know those days when everything's just down and everything just feels wrong, but then something happens (small or big, doesn't matter) and you just can't stop smiling or laughing? You get all warm and fuzzy inside. It could be the opposite, too. You could see someone else upset or sad, so you go help them out or say something nice and their smile lights up their face. That usually gives you the same feeling, right?
   It's amazing how simple the things can be. I remember days, quite recently in fact, where I'd just want to not talk. I just wanted to cry and hide in a corner, but I couldn't, as I had classes and didn't want anyone to catch me wiping my eyes. But then I'd look up and a friend would look over at that moment, just smile or start talking. Every time that'd happen, I'd feel a weight lifted away and feel normal again. Well, early on I'd still have the feeling, but as the day went by, it would leave me be.
   I've read stories where friends of those who are suicidal make lists of all the reasons why the person shouldn't die, or why they love them, etc, etc. While I've never gotten that far to do it (being terrified of dying is probably why), I understand the mentality behind it. That person has lost hope and can't remember the important things in life. I love the stories and those that are the reminders. They are angels on earth, though they appear or feel human. They are the light for those trapped in the dark.

   So I've got a challenge for you, which is still applicable whenever and each time you see or read this entry. Pick someone or more than one person (stranger, friend, close friend, classmate, etc). Choose a number, whatever number, doesn't matter. Write that many reasons of why they mean so much to you. If you choose one, I suggest something special (especially if you know the person). Or ignore that sentence and just write a compliment. :)
   Don't worry, I'm going to do it too. I've been wanting to for a while and now I have a wonderful opportunity to do so. Do it in secret or not, that's your choice. Either way, it'll make someone's day, including you!


(PS. Even if it's not returned, you'll still get the fuzzy feeling inside.)

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