Friday, May 13, 2016

Just A Word

   Hi, everyone! Welcome and Welcome Back!

   Yesterday I talked about a bad spell I had two days ago. Today is going to be about some things that I've read/heard about others who have depression.
   Now, I don't know if I've said this yet, but I have never purposefully cut myself or injured myself in another way to make my mental pain go away. For me, the idea freaks me out. I'm scared if I ever try it, it'd go too far. That, and I can't stand the sight of my own blood because it makes me feel sick. I have scars on the inside, which hurt no doubt as much as those who have scars both on the inside and out. Today, though I do not have personal experience, I'd like to address those warriors who have battle scars.
   The stories I've read and heard are so touching. The ones about those who've gone through with suicide break my heart because I know the mental aspect of what they went through. And the families they've left behind twist my heartstrings more. They're left behind, hoping the one gone is in a better place, as I do.
   Then there are the self-harm stories. I'm not talking about the ones who talk about doing it. I'm talking about the stories where someone asks them to stop. I don't know these people personally and if they ever run across this blog, I hope it's okay that I've pasted the images of their stories here.

Awwwww :'):


   Another story I've heard by Reggie Dabbs. He's an amazing speaker and I've heard him twice live, along with having one of his books. His story makes me cry and I love his speeches. The part I'm thinking of is at part 29:23 on the video I'll put at the end of this. Watch the whole video if you're curious about Reggie and want to hear the whole story. I'll do a blog entry on his poem at some point. Back to my main subject.

   Guys, if you ever see another warrior out there or suspect it, then give them a hug like those in these stories. If you suspect it, or know it, but they don't have scars, hug them anyway. Or if they don't like hugs, just stay with them if you know they're upset.
   Sometimes all a person needs is a kind word, a friendly smile, a warm hug, or a caring voice to tell them "I care." And if any of you are reading this and you think you're alone, you're not. I'll be here for you. Just contact me, I think the info's provided.
   But you're going to be okay. The journey's hard and it sucks a lot. When it's done you're going to be stronger, even if that's impossible right now.

   And if you're hurting right now, physically harming yourself, please, I beg you, stop. Because someday you're going to be an example to someone. Someone's going to say "You're the reason I didn't give up." And it'll all have been worth it to stay.
   So, please, stay.


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