Friday, May 6, 2016

Insights to a Poem

   Hey, everybody! Read Introducing Me when you can if you're new and returning readers are always welcome back!

   So, today was interesting. This week seems to have just flown by. Now, there were some events today that got me thinking. One didn't actually happen today, but I thought I might explain what "bad spells" are. Well, what mine are like.
   I already explained a little what they are like in "Advice?" and mentioned them in "Two Overviews". This is where I'm deciding to say more about them. Obviously.
   So, I don't act the same. I'm not thinking clearly. I'm scared and can lash out sometimes. It's usually in ways I don't mean or want to. This poem here explains nearly perfectly how I feel. Read it a few times! (I didn't write it, nor do I own the copy-write <<<disclaimer)

   Now, it can be said that compared to the anger/annoyance of the first part of the poem, the last two stanzas can be unfair to the narrator's friend. Telling them not to say anything, but asking them to be there. When I first heard that, I'll admit I was bothered. The poem means a lot to me, as I may as well have written it (though I didn't!), and I didn't like hearing that. But it did get me thinking.
   It does make sense from that point of view. Telling someone not to give advice, then expecting encouragement. It doesn't work for this day and age really. Where everyone talks and words are how advice is conveyed.
   But whatever happened to silence? I've said before that just being there for people is usually the best support. And, while I've said that I like to hear advice and can push for it, I've told my friends that sometimes I just don't like words. It feels like "what you want to hear" rather than advice. So the advice in a sense backfires.
   Silence has worked a good deal of the time in my case. I love getting hugs from my friends. My cats (well, the family cats) always seem to know when I'm upset. I just turn off everything. Get off the computer, away from my phone, and I try to get away from other people, too. I'm not trying to be secluded to bottle up my feelings like many seem to think it. I just want to take a brain break. Just calm down.
   After that I try to go for advice. Sometimes I come back too soon. Honestly, I'm just trying to make sure I don't let my anger out on my friends like in the beginning of the poem. And those sometimes are when that plan backfires. That's usually when I accidentally hurt my friends, as I mentioned in the post yesterday.
   So, both analyzations make sense to me. Being unfair to a friend is not right. But sometimes it's just best to know that words can backfire, so sometimes silence means more than words.
   What do you think? Does this make sense?


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