Monday, May 30, 2016

Appearances (pt 2)

   Hey, everybody! Since I rambled on so much yesterday, I thought it best to divide this in two. If you missed yesterday's, go check it out!

   Now, I started to get on this point, but don't think I quite got there. Yesterday I talked about what we wear and how that effects how people see us. I also mentioned that how attractive we are is also another deciding factor on others' view of us. That's what prompted today's idea.
   Here's the thing, as I said before, I don't completely trust attractive people. Don't get me wrong, some of my friends are very good looking, probably even in that category.

   Still, it doesn't matter if you're beautiful on the outside and nasty on the inside. It kind of cancels it out. I remember re-watching the first Princess Diaries movie with a friend and she mentioned how even as a kid, most young girls would fall for that popular teenage boy in the movie. I was actually surprised and said that I didn't have that happen to me. I didn't realize he was attractive on the outside until recent years because for so many I thought he was ugly because of the way he portrayed himself. He wasn't very nice, so that's what I always thought.
   I'll notice this now in re-reading books, re-watching movies, or going over old memories in my head. If anyone, real life or not, acted badly toward anyone else, I would instantly dislike them. Didn't matter how they looked or dressed. They were nasty acting, to me they were nasty looking.
   Contradicting that, I still believe everyone is beautiful. In that I mean everyone has a little bit of goodness in them. Even the meanest people have kindness buried in them. Sometimes you just have to look a little bit deeper. It's still there though.

   I always do my best to be a good person. Sometimes I slip up and it hurts the other person as much as it hurts me. I hate getting angry for any reason and I despise what I do to others in that anger. Do they deserve it sometimes? Maybe. Doesn't make it any better, though.
   How do others see me? Not really sure. I hope as a nice person and a good friend. I've mentioned before that Carmen called me a true friend, but that didn't turn out so well in the end. Still, recently I was told I am "short but sassy and about to take over the world" (thanks, Violet!). Plus a few other things I've been told about myself, I think I like being myself.
   Doesn't matter how you look or dress. As long as you're yourself and can help others discover who they truly are as well, it's going to be a wonderful world. So let's go make it one. :)


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