Friday, May 20, 2016

Messages Become One

   Hello, everyone!

   So, today was interesting. There was a priest and he spoke to us today about what we may be doing in the future. He'd come and talked about vocations and things of that nature before. (Vocations are what we're called to do.) Normally I'll just listen and think about what he said later. Today, though, he said something interesting.
   Most people think or say that we'll be called to do something that plays to our strengths. Now, whatever happens, we're always led to something we love. But, sometimes we could be called to do something using our weaknesses. And that struck me.

   I've always wanted to make a difference in the world. Through the years, I've changed my mind several times on what to do in the future. But my intent is always to effect someone's life, to touch their heart and to help them in any way I can.
   Speakers that always effect me are those who've overcome hardship. Reggie Dabbs, who I've mentioned in a past blog, and Nick Vujicic are two I listen to and read about. Look them up and see if they effect you as well.

   I want to do what they do. Change lives. Bring some hope back in the world. They embrace their flaws, their differences, themselves, and others.
   Maybe I'll be called to be a public speaker like them, even though I'm not very great at that. But one way to help others is to meet them halfway. Risk yourself to help others. I do that every day on this blog. I'm always cautious, especially on how much I share.
   But I love to do this anyway. I know, someone, somewhere, will read these words and find hope. How do I know? No idea. It's more of a hope I have, but I believe it will happen.
   Everyone deserves to have hope. Everyone needs a helping hand at some point. I don't care how strong you are. Having someone to be your friend, especially when you're suddenly fighting a battle no one knows about, just finding someone to help you up.

   I don't know how many of you have seen this show on Disney Channel called Girl Meets World. Honestly, it's the best tv show for teens I've seen on tv in a while that actually addresses in their episodes real issues that should be helped. This is a clip from an episode addressing cyber-bullying. It's not the ending, but it does end some-what happily. (Disclaimer: I don't own this.)
   Anyway, I'm bringing this up because this demonstrates, to me, what a friend should be like. And I have three, like I've said. My task for you is to find a friend like Maya or Riley. Don't lose them, whatever you do. Cause someday they'll need you too, or they'll repay you for what you do.


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