Friday, May 27, 2016

Movie Messages

   Hey, everyone.

   Have you ever watched a movie, not really knowing what it's about, but curiosity pulls you along? Or maybe it's a movie that a friend suggested. Still, some of those movies, they inadvertently become something meaningful. There are at least three from the past year that have done that to me. Some you might know. The movies are: Good Will Hunting, Nowhere Safe, and Inside Out.
   Good Will Hunting was suggested to me by a friend. It took me months until I finally decided to watch it the other day. It's an older movie, around two hours long. Parts of it, mega spoilers so I won't say which ones, will induce tears. It just hit a part of me, that even if I didn't know exactly what happened through experience, I could relate to the pain. If I hadn't thought that someone was going to come into my room at the moment, I would have cried so much. That scene has something inside that I needed to learn myself because, well, I won't tell you. The scene and movie speaks for itself.
   Nowhere Safe is a movie I stumbled across last summer when I was finding random Hallmark movies on YouTube (I was really bored and needed something happy to distract me). I saw this movie and was startled. I didn't cry, no. But even if I didn't face the same hardships, I wanted what the girl has in the end. Confidence to overcome some hard challenge. Watching it again today, I could relate more and now I want it even more. Because standing up for yourself is one of the best things to learn how to do.
   Inside Out. Oh, boy. I watched that in theaters when it came out last year. I cried so many times, though I've developed a habit of choking back my tears so I can watch the movie and not miss anything, at least the first time. I've yet to see it in its entirety for a second time, though I have it on dvd finally. If you haven't seen it yet, go do it. After thinking about it, that movie is a lot like how depression is for me. Or maybe it's the social anxiety part. But it has a lot of great lessons to learn.

   What movies mean a lot to you? There are more movies that mean a lot to me (like How To Train Your Dragon 1+2) which I didn't mention here. At least, not yet.
   But what sparks your interest? What makes you feel something? And maybe you don't know why you react that way. But your subconscious does. Books, songs, and movies help me figure out why my reactions are what they are.
   How about you?


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