Monday, May 16, 2016

Dare to Believe

Welcome and glad to see you!

   Have you ever believed in something? Even for a second? Well, everyone has. Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, and so many others. Then others believe in God, and other sources of faith.
   Wanna know what I believe in? Magic.

   I was watching Once Upon a Time last night for the two hour season finale. I won't give any spoilers, but watching the show each time reminds me of why it was created. It wasn't created to give entertainment in the way a comedy or reality show does. It was created to bring back hope, bring a little magic into the world and people's lives. That's what I love about it (and I'll admit, Captain Swan as well). Anyway, last night's finale definitely reminded me of that.
   So, why do I believe in magic? I mean, I believe in God, so isn't that a bit contrary? Well, I don't think so.

   I believe in the magic of making people smile. Making people laugh. Making people believe in something. Making them believe in themselves. I believe in the magic of hope. The magic of miracles. The magic of new beginnings.
   My friends and others know that I'm extremely true to myself. I've even been told that I'm one of the least fake people that they know (not bragging, it was actually a pleasant surprise). I'm not a normal girl, nor do I want to be.
   I want to be daring. Daring to be who I am in this world. Daring to be something different, to bring back something no one remembers or to create something no one's ever thought of before.
   That's what I want to be. How about you? What do you believe in? Who do you want to be?


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