Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Going Against the Grain

   Hello and welcome everyone!

   So, yesterday I talked about how I'm always trying to be different from everyone else. Today, I definitely did that.
   Now everyone's heard 'Let it Go' from Frozen, even if you haven't seen the movie. But, how many people actually listen to the lyrics? How many people sit down and think about what it means to them, personally? Probably not many. I did that today (more analyzing songs and poems) and I'd like to share what it means to me. I've put the song at the end, courtesy of YouTube (thanking Disney here).
   Now, just to say, I'd brought this in years ago for the same purpose. Amazing how much my views stayed the same and are also so different! (Plus, I liked Frozen before it was 'cool'.)

   The first part reminds me about my depression. I feel isolated, like I'm the only one who knows what's happened and happening. It swirls inside me and I can't get it out. I felt like I had to keep it from people, my friends and family. I couldn't let them know how I felt, just hide it away under a smile.
   While I kept my depression in, everything else stayed in, too. My anxiety built up, joining in to torment me. My opinions ceased to be heard, my stories untold, and questions unasked. Soon, I barely spoke to anyone outside of the house (or even inside). This was for many years.
   The first chorus shows me how I started to become myself again. A bit careful, but growing stronger. Not completely confident yet, but I started remembering that even while I kept things in, I really didn't care about what others thought. So when I changed the crowd around me, that's when everything started.
   2nd part: I'm still testing out who I am. I'm growing up, making mistakes, changing with hard choices. And I'm not as afraid anymore. Because I know who I am, and I know I'll always be who I truly am on the inside. My self-made prison walls are gone!
   2nd chorus: I've always wanted to fly, so I do. I'm soaring through my imagination and memories, writing stories and this blog. My friends have won't see me cry in pain, because I've hidden it, but I'd never cry for becoming who I am now.
   Bridge: I use my experiences to help others. I use my pain to know what joy is. I hit the bottom and am rising up. I can't be that quiet girl scared in the corner anymore. I'm gonna be me now.
   Last part: I'm not what those who used to know me remember. I'm not that contained, always agreeing girl anymore. I'm not their 'perfect' friend. I'm flawed, I'm make mistakes. But I'm going to rise above anything thrown at me, cause I've got a storm behind me. So I know I can walk through this one.
   So bring it on! Cause being different is my strongest weapon. And I can wield it like a pro.

   How about all of you? What does this song, or another, mean to you?


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