Saturday, June 25, 2016

Winning the Battle

   Hey, everyone.

   So, I've noticed for the past week or so, I've definitely been way more upbeat. I don't know what it's been. I'm hoping that it's because I've finally gotten past a hard part of my life.
   See, it was a "transition year". Like, when you're going from one big part of your life to the next even bigger part. It's the more individual thing for me than a group thing. Kinda.

   My last transition year ended, well, let's just say that it was so bad that I've pretty much blocked it out of my memory. I was thinking that this year was going to end the same way. No friends. One step behind. And I'd have to face a whole new world alone. It didn't matter to me that I'd grown up and matured some more, something that I thought I'd already gone through enough pain before to do.
   I wasn't really surprised when Carmen left the way she had. I kind of expected it. The pain? The dark days? The crying at night? All normal and I predicted it would happen, as it did.
   Except... something did happen I never actually believed would happen. Sure, I hoped, but I'd hoped the other time, too. I never really expected my friends, Nora, Violet, and Abigail. They were the unknown variable in my equation. The answer wasn't something I expected.
   When they surprised me, actually staying and helping me when I needed it most, I changed too. I've started becoming who I've always wanted to be. I started talking more, realizing that no matter how many blunders I make, no one cared. No weird stares. No comments. No more slowly being pushed out of the conversation.

   I wouldn't have believed it even a month ago that someone could call me confident and ask what could be done with out it. I would have thought I'd just go unnoticed. The quiet girl in the corner.
   As much as I sometimes want to, I can't stay quiet anymore when I'm anywhere but at home. I'll speak up, let my opinion be heard. I can be who I've always wanted to be. Like the characters I create on the page. They're no longer who I want to be. They're who I am.
   Yesterday, I thanked my friends for staying by my side. I still say thank you for that, and add on, thank you for letting me be me. Weirdness and all. :)

   Another song! Don't own the rights, duh. Just enjoy it!


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