Monday, June 6, 2016


   Hello, everyone!

   I've said before that I am a Christian. I have not specified which denomination, but I don't think that matters. I believe in God, which is all that matters to me. When I'm struggling, I pray. Sometimes I forget, not to do so, but to do it with sincerity. Recently, that's been happening. I'll be a little cynical in the back of my mind, wondering if it'll actually work this time. Until today.
   I was on Pinterest, as I am every day, and I ran across this link:
   Thinking it was just some interesting thing for writing or just something that I'd like reading, I clicked on it. Reading the list, I found it interesting, some of it familiar. But I still sort of dismissed it, because sometimes I'd just find it normal for those unusual feelings for others. Then there's that video at the end.
   It takes the narrator a while to get to the actual meditation part and that felt smaller than the rest of the nine minute video. But something happened when I listened.
   I was still doubtful with all the talk about guardian angels and stuff, because I hadn't given much thought to having my own. Sure, every one has a guardian angel, protector from evil and all that. It just, I don't know, didn't really strike me as anything out of the ordinary.
   I'd heard all these other stories before. People seeing their dead friends or relatives in a dream, some not even recognizing they are because that person died and the viewer had never seen a picture. People getting signs through unsuspecting others by these guardian angels.
   Listening to the video, I kept thinking. There was one instance of my feeling a lost loved one with me. It was at a Christian music festival, a year or two ago, and Steven Curtis Chapman was there and he sang my favorite song of his: Cinderella. I love that song and listened to it millions of times before that night. But that night was different. Just remembering it brings back vivid memories, feelings, and emotions. I'd sing along to this song so many times, but that night I got halfway through the first verse and, suddenly feeling an invisible weight on my shoulders, I choked up. I didn't know why, and I didn't find out why until later that month, when I remembered an earlier memory from that day. I'd won a festival game, something I can never do, but I knew who always could. My grandfather, who'd died several years ago. Looking at the schedule for that festival, I saw when the performance was and looked at the date. I started crying, not stopping for hours. That day of the concert, was the anniversary of my Grandfather's death. I hadn't even realized.
   Reading and listening at first on that website brought back memories of my beloved cat, Jade. I've always believed she's looking out for me and that I'll see her in heaven. Then I remembered my Grandfather during that meditation. I felt that weight on my shoulders again and, though it left a little while after the video, it felt like I had an arm around my shoulders, comforting me.
   During that meditation, I prayed to both of them. I asked for their help with all my troubles recently. I've been having problems with the whole Carmen situation appearing in my mind, though she has not in my real life. I could feel them both with me then.
   I know some here may not have a strong faith or any at all. I ask if you could just look, just look and maybe listen. Believe what you want, that's up to you. I know I felt something and know others may not. And that's okay.
   I'm going to put that song here, too. I don't own it or the copy-write, though it is on my iPod (I got a cd with it right before the concert). I still can't listen to it anymore without remembering that night. And the two stories (the singer's stories) behind it are so powerful on their own without mine added. I hope you enjoy it. :)


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