Friday, May 26, 2017

New Blogger Continued- Messi is The

Hey kids

It's been so long since I've posted. Almost 2 days. I've said this before but I'll say it again just so my incompetence is ingrained in your minds forever- I have no clue how to do this whole blog thing. I think it'll be more of a random collection of thoughts and ideas rather than a cohesive, structured storyline with well-developed themes and messages. I'll leave that to Kayla.

First of all, I would like to give and enthusiastic welcome to our new (est) writer, Felix the Dragon. I hope he doesn't mind me calling him that because I think it's a fantastic name. I wish I'd thought of it myself, although I'm not sure it would fit me. I can't wait to read his stuff!!

   How I picture Felix's blog-writing process; approximately 300,000 times more badass than my own.

What am I here to talk about today? I have no idea, I just know I felt like writing something and my story characters are being stubborn and I don't want to deal with them right now. I guess I'll use this post to introduce myself a little further. 

I have a confession to make. Unlike Kayla, who is extremely smart and wise (we like to call her The Prophet), I am a total jock. When I'm not reading, writing, working at the vegetable farm or playing music, I'm watching, playing, practicing or talking about sports. Anything about sports- players, teams, games, leagues, stupid referee decisions, controversies- you name it, I'm all about it. Also, I hate American football and baseball, which makes me kind of out of place among your average American sports loving crowd. My sports are soccer and basketball.

I never played sports when I was younger, but beginning in my freshman year of high school I have been so in love with them that Kayla calls me Wood (after my future husband, the all star Quidditch player.) I unfortunately had to quit soccer, my favorite sport, but I'm lucky enough to be able to play basketball for my school, so I'm not completely out of the sports world.

Anyway, the greatest soccer player in the world, and my personal favorite, is the great Lionel Messi.

Behold, Lionel Messi with FOUR (4) Ballon d'Ors (award for the best player of the year IN THE WORLD)

 I only mention this for 2 reasons.

1) Everyone should know who Lionel Messi is and I think it's a travesty that almost none of my friends ever know who he is before I tell them.

2) Look at what he can DO

  While I don't agree with equating mere mortals with God, I'm not ashamed to admit that I cry real tears every time I watch this. It's so beautiful.

That was a very lame blog post and has nothing to do with the theme of the blog. Honestly I just wanted an excuse to show you Messi's gloriousness. But now that i think of it, it's probably good for you to know about Messi and how in love with sports I am. It saves me having to go off on a tangent to explain it later. And it will be important, because sports are a huge part of what got me through high school and a huge reason why I am who I am, and even why I'm alive, today.

Anyway I'd better go and sleep or something.



Psalm 103

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