Tuesday, December 19, 2017


Hey, everyone.

     It's been a while, huh? Things have been crazy and there were several times in the past few months where I've wanted to post again.
     I've updated both my Tumblr and Facebook pages. You all can find me at the links below and if I haven't already, I'll add them in the description. Both are public, so if there are problems finding me, let me know.


Kayla Smith Profile Page

    So, attempting to go back into posting, I wanted to apologize. Things slip my mind very easily. That's mostly in part to the fact that with my (genetic) depression and anxiety, I have ADHD. For those of you that don't know, this stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. This term is commonly used in the Percy Jackson series, seeing as one of Rick Riordan's sons has ADHD.
    When I was diagnosed, I had what was called ADD, which wasn't the same as ADHD at the time. Now that it's more of a spectrum thing, there are two sides to ADHD. One side is the side most are familiar with, the hyperactive side. The second that used to be called ADD is kind of the same thing, but without the hyperactivity. It's called the inattentive side.
     This means that I can't concentrate as easily, but it's not as obvious as someone with hyperactivity. I can listen to someone talk for an hour, then realize I haven't heard a word they've said. I'll ask several times for things to be repeated that were said seconds ago because I couldn't pay attention. If someone asks me to do something and I get distracted on the way, I'll "forget" to do it.
     I could keep going, but there's also the danger some of you might self diagnose yourselves. That's why I try not to do my best to say I have a genetic component to depression, but still haven't been able to have the time or means to be diagnosed (the process can take several months, depending on the psychologist and their methods, not to mention the waiting period and expenses). Being in so many classes in preparation to become a clinical psychologist, I know this all too well.

     But, either way, I will do my best to keep posting on a semi-regular basis. I really do want to help more and hope I'm doing the right thing.


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