Now, one of the things that's been helping me through hard times is my faith. Yes, I'm a Christian. I won't say which denomination, because even if I'm proud of who I am I know others are uncomfortable with the faith. Still, it is an important factor for how I've been getting through hard times, so I did have to bring it up.
I don't pray for all of my problems to be solved. I don't ask God to give me a miracle for everything. I do pray that He points me in the right direction to help myself. In return, He's given me the knowledge to know who I am, the instincts to know who to trust, and the talents to make an impact in this world.
Now, I did have doubts. For a long time, I didn't really think He was helping too much. My old friends left me, a few stabbed me in the back, and I lost many who are close to my heart. I didn't really get mad. Anything that makes me angry makes me cry right after, so I generally avoid that feeling. Didn't stop me from getting a bit bothered.
Then I started listening to some Christian radio stations. I'd gone to Christian camps before through my church, but that uplifting feeling would just last for a week and a little more. With these radio stations, I started having that feeling more often.
A lot of people have said that they've surrendered totally to God after having those experiences. I think that's pretty cool, though that's not what happened to me. Instead, I regained the feeling of who I am, that I can trust myself, and I can trust that He'll guide me in ways so I'm okay. And, with personal experience, I can say it worked!
Now, I don't own this song, nor did I write it, or anything like that, so this<<< is my disclaimer. But listening to this song recently reminded me of a time when I felt alone. I didn't really have any friends at the time, as they kept dismissing me. Eventually, I believed that I'd always be one step behind. I already felt dumb, as I was getting mediocre grades compared to my 'friends'. Until a year or so ago.
I found this song recently and it reminds me of the harsh beginning, but hopefully the start to something better. So, without further ado, Hawk Nelson's "Anyone But You" (and again, I do not own the copyright to this song, so it's not mine).