Tuesday, February 13, 2018

A walk in the dark

Hello, this is Felix, Kayla's dorky boyfriend.

So despite having accepted the offer to join this blog close to a year ago, I've only just gotten this account setup, and after a few days, I'm finally trying to write something. Brace yourselves for the most incoherent post you'll ever read, cause I write best at 1 in the morning, but nothing makes sense at this hour. If you've ever crammed an essay that's due at midnight, you know what I'm talking about.

On the other hand, this time of day scares me, more than I'd like to admit. Kayla's gonna fuss, cause I haven't told her much about it, but I can honestly say that, as a 19 year old boy, I am afraid of the dark. Or rather, I am afraid of what comes with it. I have struggled with depression for years, and despite having gotten through what I hope it's the worst of it, I still dread laying in bed and waiting for sleep to take me, because I know in the limbo between laying down and sleep, the whispers will come. The voices that tell me I'm worthless, that I'll never amount to anything, that nobody could ever see past my scars.

But the thing is, the dark isn't so scary when someone is there with you, holding your hand. And for years, I didn't have that. The dark was scary, and sometimes even dangerous for me when I started believing those whispers, but then I found someone that would stand with me. And suddenly, there was a light in the darkness.

So I guess what I'm trying to say, is that all of us here have been in that darkness, right where some of you might be right now. And I am here today as proof, not that you can get through the darkness, because I won't lie, no matter how much I improve, I still have stray thoughts, depressing, violent, even suicidal ones, but that you can survive the darkness. You can't get rid of it, but you CAN beat it. You can beat it so badly that when it tries to rear its ugly head, you look at it funny, think "where'd that come from?" and then squash it down again. And maybe it's not the solution we've all been hoping for, but I'll tell you it's a lot better than being stuck alone in the dark.

Like I said, we've all been there, and we are all at various points on our journey I'm the dark. But none of us have to make that journey alone.


P.S: The someone I found, is obviously Fluffy the penguin, who is a gift from Kayla, who is most certainly not my wonderful, shining light in the darkness, nor is she the love of my life. That would just be silly. Penguins are obviously superior warriors.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Ideas and Revelations

     So, it's been a while. Again. I'm really not doing this on purpose. My ADHD just keeps getting in the way of pretty much everything I'm doing right now. Like, I'm supposed to be doing homework right now, but can't concentrate for some reason. Anyway, here's the deal:

     I've got some new ideas for the blog. But in order to do it, there's gonna be a lot of time in between. Mostly because I have no idea how to do it yet. Eventually when I figure it out, though, I'll let you all know. Hopefully it'll help make a bigger impact. But, for now, I'm broke! And busy. So busy...

     Anyway, another new, kinda, revelation is, well, I'm bi! Bisexual, to be exact. Yaaay... Not as an enthusiastic 'yay' because, like, there's no way to, I dunno, "confirm it"? Meaning which I'm not going to kiss a girl just to figure it out "for sure". But, I mean, as far as I can tell, all the signs have been there all my life, I just didn't noticed cause I'm just a bit (*cough* a lot *cough*) dense when it comes to romance or attraction. Just ask Felix, my lovely boyfriend.

     Speaking of which, he will finally be joining us an author here!!! YAAAY!!! Now Felix, Violet, and I need to step up our game and actually write more posts... But it's okay. We're all kinda busy at the moment, but there should be spikes in activity every now and then.

     And, finally, I will add a random YouTube video. Well, not random. I picked it. Anyway, I have found a newfound love for Markiplier videos thanks to Felix and some of our other friends. And am currently watching the Tiny Box Tim Origins fan-made game video of his. Seeing as it's so adorable, I'm sharing it with all of you. Enjoy!
(All credits go to Markiplier and his channel, along with the lovely folks who made this game)
